
New to Berean?

Visiting a new church for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. We want to put you at ease about visiting us. We have put together most of the information you need and tried to answer some common questions for you. Don't worry - we are a warm and friendly church - a place where you can come worship God, hear uplifting music, and listen to relevant sermons. It's a place where you'll feel welcome and "at home."

Service Times

Sunday School  9:45 am

Sunday Worship  11:00 am

Sunday Evening  6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening  7:00 pm

What to Expect

Most adults come to one of our main worship services either on Sunday morning or Sunday evening. Our services start with special music from our choir, followed by several worship songs that everyone sings. You will also hear solos, ensembles, quartets, etc. depending on the occasion. This is followed by a helpful, challenging message delivered by our Pastor, K.R. Senn. The whole service is a just over an hour long.

Friends Having Lunch Together At A Restaurant


There are classes available for all ages at 9:45 AM. These classes are smaller in group size where you can meet and get to know other Christians. The topics and lessons are relevant to each age group and are very helpful. There is no dress code here at Berean Baptist Church. However, most of our staff and workers dress in "traditional" Sunday attire. Also, you do not have to participate in our offerings. We provide our worship service as a gift to you and our community. We hope the service and music speaks to your heart and help you on your spiritual journey.